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LAEFF Portada » Radioastronomía » Noticias » Publicaciones - The Dusty Envelope of L 723 at Sub-mm Wavelengths
The Dusty Envelope of L 723 at Sub-mm Wavelengths

Estalella, R.; Palau, A.; Girart, J. M.; Beltrán, M. T.; Anglada, G.; Ho, P. T. P.

L 723 has an associated CO outflow with a quadrupolar morphology (Goldsmith et al. 1984; Lee et al. 2002). The larger pair of lobes is aligned in an east-west direction, while the other pair is roughly in a north-south direction. The powering source of the large east-west outflow is IRAS 19156+1906, associated with the thermal radio jet VLA 2 (Anglada et al. 1991; Anglada, Rodríguez, & Torrelles 1997).

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